Debbie Powers

Grandmother of bionic boy wonder Zack Powers. She works as a Nurse at Woodland Springs General Hospital, and has no idea that the world of the supernatural exists. Not even that her Grandson possessed awesome bionic powers despite being a nurse in the hospital when he came in as a quadruple amputee due to the car accident that killed his parents. There would be too many questions about Zack having what appeared to be biological limbs, clearly advanced technology from the future, so Mystic Investigations witch Rebecca Abernathy, and her coven devised a memory spell to make everyone remember the accident differently. Namely that Zack wasn’t injured that badly.

Psychic Julia Hathaway determined that Debbie would be unable to not only handle her Grandson’s superhuman abilities but also the world of the supernatural in general which is a very terrifying place. In fact Julia had a vision of Debbie going totally mental so she is kept out of the loop about all things paranormal.

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